中村 多伽
Taka Nakamura
株式会社taliki 代表取締役(taliki, Inc. CEO)
Take Nakamura was born in Tokyo in 1995. While at Kyoto University, she built two schools in Cambodia to expand on children’s possibilities. She also studied at a business school in New York while working for the news bureau as an assistant producer, and was involved in coverage of the 2016 presidential election and the United Nations. Through various experiences, she found it necessary for supporting players to solve social issues, and founded taliki. Taliki supports social entrepreneurs grow, helps large companies in Kansai area to develop new businesses, and invests in start-ups.
<講演内容 / Speech content>
ESG投資が資本市場で注目されており、上場企業には従来型のCSR(企業の社会的責任)の視点にとどまらず 、自社のESGへの取組みが企業価値にどのように寄与していくのかという視点での説明責任が求められている。本講演では、政府や機関投資家の動きなど資本市場を取り巻くESGに関する外部環境を整理したうえで、上場企業に求められるESG対応について整理していきたい。特にESG評価機関への対応や気候変動対応の開示(TCFD開示)について解説していく。また、防災・減災などの観点とESGの関連についても考察し、企業のサステナビリティ戦略への示唆についても整理していきたい。
There is a growing importance of ESG investing in capital markets. Listed companies must address ESG issues not only as a CSR topic, but also as a corporate value driver. This presentation will describe ESG-related external environment surrounding capital markets, such as movements of major institutional investors and government initiatives, and will discuss best ESG practices in listed companies. Topics to be discussed include ESG rating, recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and disaster risk reduction as a sustainability strategy.