伊藤 航
Wataru Ito
法人企画部 関西活性化プロジェクト
Wholesale Business Planning Department
Kansai Activation Project Team
損害保険業界を経て、2006年4月より同社。生命保険会社等、機関投資家の資産運用・管理におけるアドバイザリー業務に従事。 特に、ESG投資、プライベートエクイティ投資、不動産ファンド投資といった、プライベートアセット投資拡大に注力。 2021年4月より現職。関西圏の法人営業企画業務に従事。産官学金連携を推進している。
After working in the non-life insurance industry, the company has been in business since April 2006. He is in charge of advisory work in asset management and management of institutional investors such as life insurance companies.In particular, we will focus on expanding private asset investment such as ESG investment, private equity investment, and real estate fund investment. He has been in his current position since April 2021.He is engaged in corporate sales planning work in the Kansai area.He is promoting industry-government-academia collaboration.
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