保田 隆明
Takaaki Hoda
Professor responsible for Corporate Finance and Entrepreneur Finance
神戸大学大学院経営学研究科教授 外資系証券会社2社にて投資銀行業務に従事後、2004年にSNS運営会社を起業。翌年同社を売却し、ベンチャーキャピタル業務に従事。その後、金融庁金融研究センター専門研究員、スタンフォード大学客員研究員などを経て2021年4月から現職。研究領域はコーポレートファイナンス、ソーシャルファイナンスなど。主な著書に『地域経営のための「新」ファイナンス』『コーポレートファイナンス 戦略と実践』など。
Takaaki Hoda is a Professor of Corporate Finance and Venture Business at Kobe University, Graduate School of Business. Takaaki Hoda’s research interests are corporate finance, corporate governance, social finance (i.e. crowdfunding, social impact bond, regional cryptocurrency), and applications in government policy. He has multiple peer-reviewed publications, many working papers, and has received awards for his work from the Japan Academic Society for Ventures and Entrepreneurs.
<講演内容 / Speech content>
As momentum for the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) adopted at the UN Summit in 2015 grows, more and more businesspeople are becoming aware of the SDGs and ESG as keywords for their own management strategies. I would like to unravel the background behind the attention paid to SDGs and ESG, and ask whether they will become a serious issue for Japanese companies. In this session, we will discuss how to change business, why ESG investment is attracting attention, and what impact it will have on corporate strategy.