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飯塚 敦

Atsushi Izuka

Professor of Research Center for Urban Safety and Security, Kobe University. Director of the MIRAI Alliance, Kobe University, & President of the Association for the Study of Whole City Simulation Technologies (12 companies and 3 organizations included).


His specialty is geomechanics, and he has been conducting research to theoretically explain and predict the mechanical response of the ground. However, after the Great East Japan Earthquake, his focus has shifted from geotechnical engineering to how to protect people's living space from natural disasters. Currently, he is focusing on the social implementation of the simulation technology of the whole city using the advanced ICT technology and its application to disaster prevention and mitigation.

<講演内容 / Speech content>

ICT(情報通信技術)の進展は、防災・減災にも変革をもたらそうとしている。 2016年、理研AICS@神戸において、神戸丸ごとシミュレーションが行われた。仮想空間内に神戸の街が再現された。都市デジタルツインである。これによって、 多種多様な災害リスクが定量化される。一方で、企業価値の維持や向上に非財務情報が重視されるようになってきた。ESG投資である。都市デジタルツインにより、その企業が晒される災害リスクが明らかとなる。そのリスクの低減がESG投資になる。ここに平時の経済活動が国土の強靭化につながる図式が見えてくる。 すなわち、防災・減災が、公による受身の防御から民による投資対象となるのである。

In 2016, a simulation of the entire city of Kobe was conducted at the RIKEN AICS@Kobe, where the city was reproduced in a virtual space. This is an urban digital twin. In this way, various disaster risks can be quantified. On the other hand, non-financial information is becoming more important for improving corporation value, which is the ESG investment. The urban digital twin reveals the disaster risks to which a company is exposed. In this way, we can see a scheme in which economic activities during normal times lead to the strengthening of our national land. In other words, the disaster prevention and mitigation will be transformed from a passive defense by the government to an investment by private sectors.

飯塚 敦

© 2024  The Research Alliance for Multidisciplinary Integration for Resilience And Innovation(MIRAI), Kobe University.

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