MC:Yuki Fujioka(Sun Television Inc.)

13:10~14:40 SESSION1
Private Sector, Disaster Prevention and DX: The Potential of a Japanese ESG Index Focusing on Proactive Measures against Disasters.
Speaker 1:Concept of a Cyber-Physical-System for enhancing resilience of cities
(Oshihiko Horiuchi / National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience, Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Research Division)
Speaker 2:Disaster mitigation starts with damage cost simulation
(Satoru Oishi / Professor Research Center for Urban Safety and Security Department of Civil Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering KOBE University Team Leader Computational Disaster Mitigation and Reduction Research Team RIKEN Center for Computational Science (R-CCS))
Speaker 3:A practical application of city scale modeling and earthquake simulation
(Yukio Tamari / Tokyo Electric Power Services Co., Ltd. (TEPSCO) )

Oshihiko Horiuchi

Satoru Oishi

Yukio Tamari
14:50~16:20 SESSION2
ESG investment and TCFD measures / Business concepts and corporate initiatives that actively utilize technology of proactive measures against Disasters.
Speaker1:The background of ESG/SDGs movements around the Japanese business world
(Takaaki Hoda / Professor responsible for Corporate Finance and Entrepreneur Finance )
Speaker2:Global trends in ESG investment and our efforts
(Tsukasa Kanai / Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited Sustainability Management Department Executive Manager Chief Sustainability Officer)
Speaker3:Latest Trends in ESG Practices of Japanese Companies
(Hidenori Yoshikawa / Senior Consultant/Director of Management Consulting Dept.1, Daiwa Institute of Research Ltd.)

Takaaki Hoda

Tsukasa Kanai

Hidenori Yoshikawa
13:10~14:40 Interdisciplinary Workshop
Theme 1:How to solve social issues by business
(Taka Nakamura / taliki, Inc. CEO )

Taka Nakamura

Hidenori Yoshikawa

Tsukasa Kanai

Oshihiko Horiuchi

Satoru Oishi

Yukio Tamari

Takaaki Hoda
MC:Jun Matsumoto(announcer)

※Shotgun talk in English
Theme1:Large-Scale Multi-Attribute Structural ImageNet and Explainable Deep Learning Framework for Structural Images
(Khalid Mosalam / Director of the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research (PEER) Center )
Theme2:Urban Safety Evaluation and ESG Investment - Market Creation Using High Resolution Simulation Technique for A Whole City
(Atsushi Izuka / Professor of Research Center for Urban Safety and Security, Kobe University. Director of the MIRAI Alliance, Kobe University, & President of the Association for the Study of Whole City Simulation Technologies (12 companies and 3 organizations included) )
Roundtable discussion:
Takashi Kamihigashi / Professor at the Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration, Kobe University, and Director of the Center for Computational Social Sciences.

Khalid M. Mosalam

Atsushi Izuka

Takashi Kamihigashi
13:10~14:40 SESSION3
With covid19, A new way of life in 2050 / Social and economic countermeasures against human infectious viruses that may occur in the future. Empirical research using supercomputers. Decision-making methods, etc.
Speaker1:Analysis of Crowd Behavior in Large-Scale Spaces Using Artificial Intelligence
(Masaki Onishi / Artificial Intelligence Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) )
Speaker2:COVID-19 update 2022
(Goh Ohji / Associate Professor, Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe University. Infectious Diseases Internal medicine. Certified by the International Society of Travel Medicine as a Travel Medicine Specialist, Japanese Society of Internal Medicine, Certified by the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine as a General Internal Medicine Specialist, Japanese Society of Infectious Diseases, and others.)
Speaker3:Simulations of the Economy in COVID-19 Pandemic Based on Large-scale Data
(Hiroyasu Inoue / Graduate School of Information Science, University of Hyogo)

Masaki Onishi

Goh Ohji

Hiroyasu Inoue
14:50~16:20 SESSION4
International Comparison of Disaster Culture / How to apply it to private sector and municipal management
Speaker1:New Developments in Inheriting the Memory of Disasters
(Hiroshi Okumura / Professor at the Graduate School of Literature, Kobe University. Modern Japanese history. Inheritance of disaster culture.)
Speaker2:The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, Digital Archive Project of Sun Television’s video.
(Yuki Fujioka / Sun Television Inc.)
Speaker3:Utilization of disaster video records for research
(Akihiko Hokugo / Professor, Research Center for Urban Safety and Security, Kobe University )

Hiroshi Okumura

Yuki Fujioka

Akihiko Hokugo
14:50~16:20 Interdisciplinary Workshop2

Masaki Onishi

Goh Ohji

Hiroyasu Inoue

Hiroshi Okumura

Yuki Fujioka

Akihiko Hokugo

coming soon...

and more.....
of 2021
In March 2021, MIRAI BOSAI held its first conference event, "KOBE PEER WORKSHOP".
The event was titled "International Workshop on Disaster Prevention and Mitigation to Create a Space for Business Concepts with Scientists and Engineers. We asked two of the speakers to talk again about the highlights of the event.