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of 2022


​      ESG指標の可能性>

講演1 都市レジリエント化のためのサイバーフィジカルシステムの構想
[Lecture1] Concept of a Cyber-Physical-System for enhancing resilience of cities

​スピーカー:堀内 敏彦│国立研究開発法人防災科学技術研究所 地震​減災実験研究部門

speaker: Toshihiko Horiuchi; Earthquake Engineer National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience, Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Research Division



A strongly resilient society is a concept that aims to shorten the time it takes for social activities to recover from a disaster, and to create a society that can develop sustainably. In order to realize a resilient society, Mr. Horiuchi said, it is necessary to build a platform for cities to evaluate the gap between their "current state" and "ideal state" by conducting simulations, and to formulate policies to strengthen resilience, just as humans take measures and improvements based on the results of health checkups. Mr. Horiuchi stated that it is necessary to assess the gap between the "current state" and the "ideal state" by simulating cities and to build a platform for developing policies to strengthen resilience. As the first phase of this process, he talked about "building an urban model," "searching for optimal control variables," and "materializing use cases for digital twin utilization services. He also introduced the "Urban CPS Evaluation Tool" as an indicator for system feedback.


Our cities are exposed to the danger of earthquakes, but it is difficult to determine if we are adequately prepared. Appropriate countermeasures based on examination and diagnosis, like a medical checkup, are necessary. For this purpose, we will introduce the concept of research and development to realize a cyber-physical system (urban CPS) consisting of the city in physical space and cyber space that handles analysis. A "data generation process" will be constructed to aggregate, transform, and integrate various urban data to create a model of the entire city, and a method will be incorporated to analyze the state of the city using building sensors to understand the true state of the city, which will then be reflected in the model. Resilience (strength against earthquakes) is analyzed through simulations to find the "ideal state" of resilience, and to show the direction of improvement from the current state and effective countermeasures.

講演2 シミュレーションによる被害推定からはじまる減災
[Lecture2] Disaster Mitigation Begins with Damage Estimation by Simulation

スピーカー:大石 哲 国立研究開発法人理化学研究 計算科学研究センター 総合防災・減災研究チーム長 神戸大学都市安全研究センター教授

speaker: Satoru Oishi ; Director, Comprehensive Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Research Team, Center for Computational Science, National Institute for Physical and Chemical Research Professor, Research Center for Urban Safety, Kobe University



Mr. Oishi explained the damage estimation method, which calculates damage directly on a physical basis through simulation, rather than using a fragility curve, which estimates damage on an empirical basis. In order to perform simulations, it is first necessary to create a digital model of the entire city, and he introduced the Data Processing Platform (DPP), a platform that consolidates information for creating such models. A three-dimensional model is created based on a two-dimensional blueprint, and while it would take an enormous amount of time to do this manually for each building, the DPP script can be used to accurately create a three-dimensional model in a short amount of time. He also said that DPP can be applied to complex disasters and can be used to predict secondary disasters.

 自然災害に対して強靱な社会の構築のためには、社会基盤施設マネジメントが必要になるので、デジタル・ツイン・コンセプト、すなわち、計画している都市と同じものを計算機内に構成して災害発生時の状況を総合的に理解する必要があります。  一方で、想定外に対応するためには、複合的な災害に帯する対処が不可欠になります。南海トラフ地震では地震の規模が強くて大規模・広範囲に堤防が破壊され即座に全ての堤防を修復できない状態が続くことは容易に理解でき、修復までの期間に巨大台風に襲われることはあり得ることです。  そのため、私たちはデジタル・アンサンブル・コンセプトを打ち出し、複合災害に対して大規模数値シミュレーションを実施しているので、その内容を紹介します。

Since social infrastructure facility management is necessary to build a society that is resilient to natural disasters, it is necessary to use the digital twin concept, i.e., to construct the same city as the one being planned in a computing machine to comprehensively understand the situation in the event of a disaster.
 On the other hand, in order to cope with the unexpected, it will be essential to cope with a complex disaster band. It is easy to understand that in the Nankai Trough earthquake, the scale of the earthquake will be so strong that it will destroy levees on a large scale and over a wide area, making it impossible to immediately repair all levees, and that it is possible to be hit by a huge typhoon during the period until repairs are made.
 For this reason, we have come up with the digital ensemble concept and are conducting large-scale numerical simulations for complex disasters, which we will present here.

講演3 都市丸ごとシミュレーションの民間活用
[Lecture3] Private sector utilization of whole city simulation

スピーカー:溜 幸生│東電設計株式会社 研究開発部門マネージャー

speaker: Yukio Tamari ; Manager, Research and Development Division, Tohden Design Co.


地震災害・津波被害・避難をひとつにまとめた総合地震シミュレーション(IES : Integrated Earthquake Simulation)について紹介されました。IESによって明らかになることとして、「想定地震により、どこが壊れるか」、「津波により、何時ごろ、どこが浸水するか」、「人は命を守るために、どのようなルートで避難するか」、そして「事前対策を施した場合、どれだけ人的被害が減ることになるか」を挙げられていました。IESの適用に関して、日本の沿岸都市であれば、全国どこでも公開データ+αの非公開データを用いてシミュレーション可能であるが、結果がピンポイントであるため扱いによっては不安を煽ることになりかねないため、活用には十分配慮が必要であるということについても述べられていました。IESは災害に対して強靭な社会をつくることに貢献できる一方、検討実施費用は高額であるという課題についてもご説明いただきました。

He introduced the Integrated Earthquake Simulation (IES), which combines earthquake disaster, tsunami damage, and evacuation in one simulation, The IES can be applied to any coastal city in Japan, using publicly available data plus α private data. He also mentioned that IES can contribute to building a resilient society against disasters, but that the cost of implementing the study is high. The issue of the high cost of implementation of IES was also explained.


One of the natural disasters in our country is earthquakes. Strong earthquakes can devastate cities, generate tsunamis, and take many lives. In our country, these have occurred many times, and there is an urgent need to develop methods to save as many lives as possible.
Recently, a research group led by Munero Hori (Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo) has developed an "integrated earthquake simulation" that simulates the entire process from the occurrence of an earthquake to the shaking of the ground and buildings, the arrival of a tsunami, and the evacuation of people. We applied the simulation to a real city for the purpose of utilizing it in the private sector. In this presentation, an overview of the method, model construction, and simulation results will be given, as well as an explanation of the effects, points to keep in mind when applying the method, and recent related technologies.

​      <ESG、TCFDをめぐる動向と社会課題解決に
​      向けたインパクト・ファイナンスの取り組み>

講演4 日本企業でESG/SDGsが求められるマクロ要因
[Lecture4] Macro Factors Requiring ESG/SDGs in Japanese Companies

スピーカー:保田 隆明│神戸大学経営学研究科教授

speaker: Takaaki Hoda ; Professor, Graduate School of Business Administration, Kobe University



Consumer behavior change, such as the growing need for organic and local markets, is not simply the self-interest of the wealthy, but a movement is in full swing, and consumer behavior and voice are becoming more important than ever. It is explained that SDGs/ESG considerations are essential because if goods are not sold, funding cannot be raised, which affects employee commitment and new hires. He spoke about the role of marketers in such an era of SDGs, which is to promote corporate and business transformation from a marketing perspective to achieve sustainability, and as part of this, to pursue diversity, which also leads to an increase in a company's innovation index. He also stated that the essence of SDGs/ESGization for Japanese companies should be change makers, brewing a mindset of "changing in response to circumstances" and "tackling new things".


With the growing momentum of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted at the UN Summit in 2015, more and more businesspeople are becoming aware of the SDGs and ESG as keywords for their own management strategies. We will look at the background to the growing interest in the SDGs and ESG, and ask whether they will become a full-fledged trend among Japanese companies as well, and how they will change their businesses. The panelists will also discuss how business is changing, why ESG investment is attracting attention, and what impact it will have on corporate strategy.

講演5 ESG投資のグローバル潮流と弊社の取組
[Lecture5] Global Trends in ESG Investment and Our Approach

スピーカー:金井 司│三井住友信託銀行 サステナビリティ推進部 フェロー役員 チーフ・サステナビリティ・オフィサー

speaker: Tsukasa Kanai ; Fellow Officer, Chief Sustainability Officer, Sustainability Promotion Department, Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited



Mr. Kanai spoke in detail about the global trend of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) investment and the case study that Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited is working on. First, he explained the background and trends of ESG investment being actively pursued by financial institutions. In recent years, interest in ESG investment has been growing, and attention has been focused on the relationship between sustainable corporate growth and ESG factors. Based on his own experience of being involved in ESG for about 20 years, Mr. Kanai stated that ESG awareness has changed significantly, especially in the past five years, and the importance of ESG factors in corporate growth is increasingly recognized. Next, he also explained in detail the role of SMTB in ESG investment. He emphasized that SMTB can play a leading role in understanding domestic and international ESG trends. He also mentioned the role and responsibility of corporations in ESG investment and the importance of financial institutions' efforts to help realize a sustainable society.


ESG investment" has expanded remarkably and has become an indispensable concept in the financial and capital markets. In light of the fact that ESG investors cannot be ignored any longer in the management and business promotion of each company and in solving the mountain of social issues, this session will explain the background of the emphasis on ESG investment and its evolution over time. In recent years, an increasing number of investors and financial institutions have begun to call for "impact" in addition to ESG. Why "impact" now? What does it mean to focus on "impact creation" as the raison d'etre (purpose) of finance? We will also introduce the synergy effects between technology and finance through the initiatives of Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited.

講演6 日本企業のESG対応の近時動向
[Lecture6] Recent Trends in ESG Responsiveness of Japanese Companies

スピーカー:吉川 英徳│株式会社大和総研 経営コンサルティング第一部 次長・主任コンサルタント

speaker: Hidenori Yoshikawa ; Deputy Director and Senior Consultant, Management Consulting Department I, Daiwa Institute of Research Ltd.



Mr. Yoshikawa belongs to a company called Daiwa Institute of Research, and he explained the trend of ESG investment and corporate strategies. He focused on how social issues such as disaster prevention and mitigation can be handled as part of ESG investment. The presentation began with a discussion of the background of ESG investment and capital market trends from a macro perspective, followed by an explanation of how institutional investors evaluate the ESG performance of listed companies, and how listed companies should incorporate ESG into their management strategies. Investment Principles (PRI) and the active involvement of the Financial Services Agency (FSA), especially with the introduction of Japan's National Pension Plan (GPIF) and the Corporate Governance Code. Lastly, as a perspective on disaster prevention and disaster mitigation, he mentioned that it is essential for companies to regularly discuss disaster prevention and disaster mitigation from normal times and to take actions that include not only the company itself but also the entire supply chain.

ESG投資が資本市場で注目されており、上場企業には従来型のCSR(企業の社会的責任)の視点にとどまらず 、自社のESGへの取組みが企業価値にどのように寄与していくのかという視点での説明責任が求められている。本講演では、政府や機関投資家の動きなど資本市場を取り巻くESGに関する外部環境を整理したうえで、上場企業に求められるESG対応について整理していきたい。特にESG評価機関への対応や気候変動対応の開示(TCFD開示)について解説していく。また、防災・減災などの観点とESGの関連についても考察し、企業のサステナビリティ戦略への示唆についても整理していきたい。

ESG investments are attracting attention in the capital markets, and listed companies are expected to be accountable not only from the perspective of conventional corporate social responsibility (CSR), but also from the perspective of how their ESG initiatives will contribute to corporate value. In this presentation, I would like to summarize the external environment surrounding ESG-related issues in the capital markets, such as movements by governments and institutional investors, and then discuss the ESG responses required of listed companies. In particular, we will explain how to respond to ESG assessment organizations and how to disclose climate change-related information (TCFD disclosure). We will also discuss the relationship between ESG and disaster prevention/mitigation, and the implications for corporate sustainability strategies.

特別講演 社会課題解決を市場機会として捉える
[Special Lecture] Viewing Solutions to Social Issues as Market Opportunities

スピーカー:中村 多伽│株式会社taliki 代表取締役

speaker: Taka Nakamura ; Representative Director, taliki Co.



Mr. Nakamura spoke about how social issues such as "SDGs" and "sustainability," which have become hot topics in recent years, can be viewed as market opportunities to be solved, and he included the details of his business. First, he explained that social entrepreneurs are people who place the highest priority on solving problems and tackling distortions that have been created in the process of optimizing society, and he explained his business activities to support such people. He also mentioned that the reason why social entrepreneurs can become businesses is that they have a clear vision from the start, which makes it easier to attract high-skilled human resources and fan users. Finally, he mentioned the importance of finding various options for solving social problems, such as working to reduce problems and supporting those who are working on them.


taliki empowers businesses that aim to solve social issues such as climate change and support for people with disabilities. Our main business activities include the provision of acceleration programs that accompany the launch of businesses, open innovation that matches these businesses with large corporations, and investment projects that accelerate their growth.
In the past, non-profit and government organizations were expected to solve overt social issues, but since the SDGs have become an urgent theme, the private sector has been increasingly involved. Can the solution of social issues really become a business? What kind of collaboration will ensure social and economic rationality? We would like to introduce you to taliki, which is at the forefront of businesses that solve social issues.

討論1 災害がおこったときの弱点部分は目に見えるようになってきた。民による国土、社会、経済の強靭化は可能か?
[discussion1] Weak areas are becoming more visible when disasters occur. Is it possible to strengthen the land, society, and economy by the people?

​International session

講演7 橋梁異常早期発見センターについて 
[Lecture7] Brige Rapid Assessment Center for Extreme Events (BRACE2)

スピーカー:Khalid M. Mosalam│太平洋地震工学研究センター(PEER)センター長 カリフォルニア大学バークレー校教授

speaker:Khalid M. Mosalam ; Director, Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) Professor, University of California, Berkeley



Mosalam explained the research background of BRACE2 and the progress and contributions of the study: BRACE2 is a data-driven structural health monitoring system that aims to develop a framework for collecting and simulating data for real-time and comprehensive assessment of viaducts and The system is based on the following principles It was stated that the framework will use the collected data to estimate the damage condition of bridges in real time, which can be used for decision making related to bridge closures and damaged areas. He also explained that a user interface is being developed that will allow system users to take advantage of the vibration mode characteristics obtained by the sensors.

講演8 「街の安全性評価と投資」-都市丸ごとのシミュレーション技術を用いた市場創成の可能性-
[Lecture8] City Safety Assessment and Investment" - Potential for Market Creation Using Whole-City Simulation Technology

スピーカー:飯塚 敦 | MIRAIアライアンス長(22年3月まで)神戸大学都市安全研究センター教授

speaker: Atushi Iizuka ; Director of MIRAI Alliance (until Mar. 2010) Professor, Center for Urban Safety Research, Kobe University



He explained about urban safety assessment and ESG investment using digital twin technology.Digital twin technology is a technology that creates a real city in a virtual computer space, and can be used to understand how cities behave and change in response to natural disasters, which can be useful for disaster prevention and mitigation. He also mentioned the possibility of incorporating disaster risk management and mitigation into ESG investments. He explained that when risks are embodied through digital twin technologies, risk mitigation through corporate activities can be evaluated as an ESG investment, leading to increased corporate value and enhanced resilience of the country, making it an investment for the private sector, and disaster prevention and mitigation can reduce the burden on the government. He explained.

ICT(情報通信技術)の進展は、防災・減災にも変革をもたらそうとしている。 2016年、理研AICS@神戸において、神戸丸ごとシミュレーションが行われた。仮想空間内に神戸の街が再現された。都市デジタルツインである。これによって、 多種多様な災害リスクが定量化される。一方で、企業価値の維持や向上に非財務情報が重視されるようになってきた。ESG投資である。都市デジタルツインにより、その企業が晒される災害リスクが明らかとなる。そのリスクの低減がESG投資になる。ここに平時の経済活動が国土の強靭化につながる図式が見えてくる。 すなわち、防災・減災が、公による受身の防御から民による投資対象となるのである。

Advances in information and communication technology (ICT) are about to revolutionize disaster prevention and mitigation. In 2016, a simulation of the entire city of Kobe was conducted at RIKEN AICS@Kobe. The city of Kobe was recreated in a virtual space. It is an urban digital twin. This quantifies a wide variety of disaster risks. On the other hand, non-financial information is becoming more important for maintaining and improving corporate value, which is ESG investment. The urban digital twin reveals the disaster risks to which a company is exposed. Reducing that risk is ESG investment. Here, we can see how economic activities during normal times can lead to the strengthening of the national land. In other words, disaster prevention and mitigation will move from being a passive defense by the public to an investment by the private sector.

session3:With コロナ、2050年の新しい生活様式
​      社会・経済も含めた対策法>

講演9 コロナ最新情報
[Lecture9] Corona Latest News

スピーカー:大路 剛 | 感染症内科医 神戸大学医学研究科准教授

speaker: Goh Ohji ; Associate Professor, Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe University



He introduced the latest status of coronas in general and in particular, the impact of Omicron in Japan and whether oral therapy is useful. In particular, he discussed the impact of Omicron in Japan and the usefulness of oral medication. The trend of omicrons is that patients who have received two doses of vaccine are less likely to be severely infected, and those who have been infected immediately after natural infection are also less likely to be severely infected, suggesting that the vaccine is less effective in preventing infection but more likely to prevent serious injury. However, it is unclear to what extent the mRNA vaccine is less likely to prevent severe disease in those who have not received the mRNA vaccine or those who have not developed immunity to the vaccine, and it is necessary to determine the best approach for each patient.

COID-19は、2019年12月に新規コロナウイルスとして確認されたSevere acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2(SARS-CoV-2)が原因となっています。2020年初頭からCOVID-19はほぼ全世界で流行しています。COVID-19による世界の死者数は500万人を突破しました。一方、私たち人類は、このウイルスに対するいくつかの武器を手に入れました。私は2022年のCOVID-19に関するそうした話題を取り上げます。

COID-19 is caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), which was identified as a novel coronavirus in December 2019 Since early 2020, COVID-19 has been endemic almost worldwide The global death toll from COVID-19 has surpassed 5 million. Meanwhile, we humans have acquired several weapons against this virus. I will address such topics regarding COVID-19 in 2022.

講演10 人工知能を用いた大規模空間における群集行動分析
[Lecture10] Analysis of Crowd Behavior in Large Spaces Using Artificial Intelligence

スピーカー: 大西 正輝 | 産業技術総合研究所 人工知能研究センター 研究チーム長

speaker: Masaki Onishi ; Research Team Leader, Artificial Intelligence Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)


How can large-scale events be held safely under the spread of the new coronavirus? We have measured and simulated the flow of people at fireworks displays, theaters, and stadiums using artificial intelligence technology. We will introduce examples of research we have conducted on the Corona Disaster using this knowledge.

講演11 大規模データに基づくコロナ禍の経済シミュレーション
[Lecture11] Economic simulation of the corona disaster based on large-scale data

スピーカー:井上 寛康 | 兵庫県立大学大学院情報科学研究科准教授

speaker: Hiroyasu Inoue ; Associate Professor, Graduate School of Information Science, University of Hyogo



Disasters, conflicts, and more recently, COVID-19, have led to an increased interest in supply chain preparedness. More recently, the shutdown of the Chinese auto industry has affected the Japanese and U.S. auto industries, resulting in supply chain disruptions. There are two aspects to the complexity of supply chains. (Inoue and his colleagues have developed a technology to simulate the activities of individual firms by building a network based on data on the real economy that covers most of the firms in Japan. They have developed a technology to simulate the activities of individual firms by building a network based on this data. In his presentation, he showed a two-dimensional visualization of the supply chain of an actual Japanese company and introduced the model on which the simulation is based. In addition, he actually realized useful estimates of policies that were previously impossible, such as a simulation of a hypothetical lockdown in Tokyo and the declaration of a state of emergency in 2020.


In this presentation, we will report on our efforts to understand individual firms using corporate activity data covering Japan and to simulate the dynamic behavior of interrelated firms on a supercomputer. This research is expected to provide a means of identifying economic risks from COVID-19, earthquake and tsunami disasters, and extreme weather events as accurately as possible, and of studying countermeasures and their effects. Conventional economics has not been able to estimate the risks and effects of measures for such rapidly changing conditions. Our research will deal with the previously unidentified dynamic changes in firms while using network science, large-scale data, and supercomputers, which are the fields for dealing with such involvement.


講演12 災害の記憶継承に向けての新展開
[Lecture12] New Developments in the Transfer of Disaster Memories

スピーカー:奥村 弘 | 神戸大学人文学研究科教授

speaker: Hiroshi Okumura ; Professor, Graduate School of Humanities, Kobe University



Mr. Okumura used the Great East Japan Earthquake as an example of how to develop a new disaster culture. First, he introduced the basic concept of preserving disaster materials and passing on memories of disasters. He then clarified the issue of passing on local memories as history, and introduced local historical archive studies as a new academic method that enables local residents to participate in the process and makes it possible. Next, he introduced research and activities that utilize disaster documentation (video). These efforts were based on the warning that when a large-scale disaster occurs, the transmission of memories can be disrupted and communities can be weakened. Finally, as a new development toward passing on the memory of disasters, he strongly emphasized the need for a movement to pass on major disasters as local history and for the publication of materials based on the social importance of conveying and studying them.


The topics covered included the preservation of disaster records and the use of visual materials, as well as changes in preservation and disclosure methods. The lecture also introduced new attempts and analysis of what disaster culture means in this 10th year since the Great East Japan Earthquake. Regarding the preservation of disaster documentation and the transmission of memories, the importance of social accumulation and sharing was emphasized, and it was pointed out that memories and communities weaken when disasters occur. He stated that issues related to the documentation and preservation of disaster records and their social transmission exist, and that research is being conducted to resolve these issues.

講演13 阪神淡路大震災 サンテレビの映像のデジタルアーカイブ事業(録画講演)
[Lecture13] The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake: Digital Archiving Project of Sun TV's Footage (recorded lecture)

スピーカー:藤岡 勇貴 佐々木 和子 | サンテレビニュースキャスター

speaker: Yuki Fujioka & Kazuko Sasaki ; Sun TV news anchor



Mr. Fujioka of Sun TV, who experienced the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in his childhood and the Great East Japan Earthquake after joining the company, spoke about Sun TV's disaster culture project to preserve the lessons of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake for the future. The project is to release valuable images of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake as a digital archive. One of the efforts is to place the digital archive in the Earthquake Disaster Collection of Kobe University Library, where it is being used by students and faculty members for disaster prevention studies and research. In this lecture, he also introduced the process of resolving the issue of portrait rights, which was a problem in making the archive available to the public. He explained the discussions that were held on how to treat images of children and whether or not the images were public, based on the guidelines for portrait rights. He hoped that by making many people aware of the above efforts, the past events would not fade away and would remain as lessons for the future.


It has been 27 years since the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake that killed 6,434 people. Sun TV in Kobe is working on a digital archive of earthquake footage at the Kobe University Library's Earthquake and Tsunami Archive. 99 Sun TV videos are available in the archive as of March 2022, with plans to gradually make more available in the future. The purpose of the project is to make the videos shot by the TV stations available for earthquake research and disaster prevention learning for students. However, there is a barrier to the release of the footage, namely portrait rights. So, what are the criteria used to decide whether or not to release the footage to the public? The following is an overview of the process, problems, and future prospects.

​[ イベント登録者に限定公開 ]

講演14 災害映像記録の研究活用
[Lecture14] Research and Utilization of Disaster Video Recordings

スピーカー:北後 明彦 | 神戸大学都市安全研究センター教授

speaker: Akihiko Hokugo ; Professor, Center for Urban Safety Research, Kobe University

[panel discussion] 

討論2 今後も起こりうる人人感染ウィルスに対して社会・経済も含めた対策法とは?
[discussion2] What are the countermeasures, including social and economic, against possible human-to-human transmission of viruses in the future?

討論3 公民学連携の実践と各セクターの役割
[discussion 3]  Practice of public-public-academic collaboration and the role of each sector

© 2024  The Research Alliance for Multidisciplinary Integration for Resilience And Innovation(MIRAI), Kobe University.

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