of 2023
講演1 スマート防災のコア技術 ーSIP「国家レジリエンス(防災・減災)の強化」の事例ー
[Lecture1] Core Technologies for Smart Disaster Management - A Case Study of SIP "Strengthening National Resilience (Disaster Prevention and Mitigation)
スピーカー:堀 宗朗│国立研究開発法人海洋研究開発機構 付加価値情報創生部門長
speaker: Muneo Hori ; Director, Value-Added Information Creation Division, National Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
A disaster detection system utilizing satellite data is presented. This system is designed to assess the damage immediately after a disaster occurs and provide accurate information to the disaster response headquarters. Furthermore, an integrated disaster management system for municipalities that takes regional characteristics into account and a disaster evacuation support system that utilizes satellite data have also been developed. Mr. Hori explains that these technologies are an important part of disaster management and contribute to business improvements such as shorter recovery times and reduced overhead costs. He also mentions a technology called "supertype," which he says can expand the effectiveness of disaster prevention from its traditional application only in limited areas to a nationwide scale.
As a specific example, Hori introduces a system that predicts the risk of building collapse due to earthquakes. This system combines building characteristics and earthquake vibration information to predict collapse risk with a high degree of accuracy, making it possible to accurately make evacuation decisions for buildings and prioritize rescue operations in the event of an earthquake. The integrated disaster management and evacuation support systems described above can not only be used by local governments and businesses to improve their disaster response capabilities, but can also facilitate the recovery of affected areas and minimize economic losses by reducing recovery time and developing efficient evacuation plans.
Such advances in smart disaster prevention technology are contributing to the enhancement of national resilience (disaster prevention and mitigation). Mr. Hori stated that scientific and technological advances are an indispensable element in disaster preparedness, leading to sustainable development of countries and regions.
As core technologies for smart disaster prevention, this presentation will introduce examples of research and development and social implementation of the SIP "Strengthening National Resilience (Disaster Prevention and Mitigation)". Specifically, a satellite one-stop system that uses observation data from many satellites to quickly assess damage in a wide area; a dam integrated disaster prevention support system that uses ensemble weather forecasting to realize "optimization of flood control and water utilization"; SIP4D for automatic collection, processing, and sharing of disaster information from government ministries and agencies, and its linkage with the SIP4D for automatic collection, processing, and sharing of disaster information by government ministries and agencies, and IDR4M, a disaster prevention information system for municipalities.
講演2 技術の社会実装の現場から~大学や企業との連携した取組み~[Lecture2] From the field of social implementation of technology - Cooperative efforts with universities and companies
スピーカー:能勢 正義 | 神戸市危機管理室 計画担当課長
speaker: Masayoshi Nose ; Director, Planning Section, Crisis Management Office, Kobe City
This section introduces the preparation for effective disaster response during normal times. First, the report introduces the use of LINE to collect and share disaster information. A system has been introduced in which citizens post information on the damage caused by disasters, and an AI chatbot filters the information and shows the occurrence of disasters on a map. This allows citizens and the government to share information in real time and enable initial response. Next, efforts are also being made to secure emergency power sources. Since power outages occur in the event of a large-scale disaster, electric vehicles are used to supply power at evacuation centers. In addition, the McLean Center, which supplies power from a waste incineration facility, is also being utilized. These efforts have been made possible through collaboration with universities and companies, and the use of technology has improved disaster preparedness and operational efficiency.
阪神淡路大震災から28年が経過し、防災の分野においてもさまざまな研究が進み、技術革新が行われています。 一方で、日本各地で発生する地震や激甚化する風水害などに対して、市民の生命、身体、財産を災害から守り、早期の地域経済活動の安定化のためには、より高度な災害対応が必要になってきています。
Twenty-eight years have passed since the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, and various studies and technological innovations have been conducted in the field of disaster prevention. At the same time, more advanced disaster response is becoming necessary to protect the lives, bodies, and property of citizens from disasters and to stabilize local economic activities as soon as possible in response to earthquakes and severe wind and flood disasters that occur in various parts of Japan.
In disaster response, it is important to be well prepared during normal times, as well as to have an accurate initial response. The following is an introduction to the efforts of research institutes and private companies in collaboration with the City of Kobe regarding peacetime preparedness for effective disaster response.
講演3 社会シミュレーションによるまちづくり支援
[Lecture3] Supporting community development through social simulation
スピーカー:北上 靖大│株式会社構造系計画研究所 社会デザインマーケティング部 シニアコンサルタント
speaker: Yasuhiro kitagami ; Senior Consultant, Social Design Marketing Department, Structural Systems Planning Institute, Inc.
Mr. Kitagami has been engaged in consulting work such as large-scale evacuation safety verification and traffic analysis. Social simulation, which he has utilized in his work, is a method of analyzing people's behavior in a specific issue area, evaluating measures based on the results, and supporting decision-making. Specifically, we use virtual space to simulate the effects of various measures and support decision-making in urban development. This method is particularly useful in the field of disaster prevention. Natural disasters have many unpredictable elements, and when considering countermeasures, it is necessary to understand the causes and effects and consider appropriate countermeasures. By utilizing social simulation, the causes and effects of disasters can be analyzed and effective measures can be evaluated in a simulated manner. In this lecture, specific examples of how private companies and local governments are utilizing social simulations will be presented. In addition, social implementation and dissemination activities will be covered. By utilizing social simulation in decision-making for urban development, it is expected that more effective measures will be considered and the safety and comfort of the city will be improved.
In urban development and urban planning, there is a need to solve multi-objective issues based on people's behavior and values, such as disaster prevention, energy and mobility perspectives. In making decisions on such complex issues, it is necessary to decipher the relationships among the various factors behind the issues and properly evaluate measures in consideration of their impact and uncertainty. In this presentation, we will introduce our efforts to support decision-making for urban development by using a social simulation method, in which the relationship between issues and the structure of human society is deciphered and various measures are evaluated (simulated) using a virtual space that simulates the structure (modeling).
講演4 気候変動に対応しうる持続可能なインフラの構築に向けて
[Lecture4] Toward building a sustainable infrastructure that can cope with climate change
スピーカー:福嶋 勇太 & 太田 遥香│デロイト トーマツ コンサルティング合同会社 パブリックセクター サステナビリティユニット シニアマネジャー & シニアコンサルタント
speaker: Yuta Fukusima & Haruka Ohta ; Senior Manager & Senior Consultant, Public Sector Sustainability Unit, Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting G.K.
Mr. Fukushima is involved in projects related to the low-carbon use of natural resources and energy, recycling, and production area syndrome, while Mr. Ota is working from the perspective of a decarbonized society, regional revitalization, and industrial development, and is in charge of projects such as policy studies for the Japan Tourism Agency and support for collaboration in short term studies. The two of them emphasize the importance of energy renewability, hydrogen utilization, and visualization of emissions in order to build sustainable infrastructure. They also show how they are using scientific approaches and energy simulations to address real-world business challenges. The presentations also address challenges to the infrastructure that will support the social economy of the future, such as aging infrastructure and disaster preparedness. Building sustainable infrastructure is seen as essential to addressing climate change and managing disaster risk.
In recent years, it has been pointed out that disasters are becoming more severe and more frequent due to climate change. Under these circumstances, we are faced with the need to prepare for disasters that exceed conventional assumptions in an economically rational and environmentally friendly manner. Based on the recognition of these issues, this lecture will focus on the following questions: "What is a truly sustainable infrastructure from various aspects such as disaster prevention, economy, and environment? We will introduce our perspective as a consultant in the field of environment and energy, including our company's efforts to promote EBPM for building sustainable infrastructure and to implement value-added technologies from the perspective of disaster prevention.
講演5 都市間連携を通じてグローバルレジリエンスへの技術移転
[Lecture5] Technology Transfer to Global Resilience through Intercity Collaboration
スピーカー:平田 ケンドラ│シティネット神戸事務所(CityNet-Plus Arts Center for Creative Partnerships) 事務局長
speaker: Kendora Hirata ; Executive Director, CityNet Kobe Office (CityNet-Plus Arts Center for Creative Partnerships)
As the head of CityNet, Mr. Hirata implements urban disaster prevention projects in Asia and shares Japanese disaster prevention technologies and knowledge with Asian cities. As background to CityNet's activities, he explains that urbanization in Asia has increased environmental problems and disaster risks, and that there is a need to build networks at the city level. Currently, 102 member cities and 49 organizations participate in CityNet, which addresses not only disaster management but also climate change and the SDGs. Here you will find 20 projects that have been implemented over the past decade. These projects took place in cities such as the Philippines and Nepal, and included activities such as flood control, strengthening crisis management systems, reconstruction assistance, and disaster education. In addition, disaster prevention technology dissemination and exchange activities have been conducted from Japan to other cities. Through this presentation, it was conveyed that through the activities of CityNet, Asian cities are sharing their disaster prevention technologies and knowledge to build safer and more sustainable urban societies.
このプレゼンテーションでは、世界の防災活動を支援するため都市間協力を通じて、日本の技術を移転する方法を探ります。 さまざまな種類の災害を通じて蓄積された経験に加えて、日本の技術や、産業、研究などが、災害を軽減し災害時に人命を救うのに役立つツールを開発している中で、これらの技術をどのように地方自治体に直接接続できるかに焦点を当てます。
This presentation will explore ways in which Japanese technology can be transferred through city-to-city cooperation to support disaster reduction efforts around the world. In addition to the experience accumulated through various types of disasters, the session will focus on how Japanese technology, industry, and research can be directly connected to local governments as they develop tools to help mitigate disasters and save lives in the event of a disaster.
This session will discuss what challenges exist as well as possibilities for research institutions, companies, and others to make cities and communities more resilient through partnerships and collaboration.
討論1 防災技術フロンティア/技術の社会実装
[discussion1] Disaster Prevention Technology Frontier / Social Implementation of Technology
講演6 COVID-19パンデミックに対する日本の対応の変遷
[Lecture6] Japan's Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Transition
スピーカー:大路 剛│神戸大学医学研究科准教授
speaker: Goh Ohji ; Associate Professor, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine
Topics will range from an explanation of the origin of COVID-19, the characteristics of COVID-19 as an infectious disease, and its potential for prolongation as chronic active pneumonia. The pathogenesis of viral infections and the immune response will also be discussed in detail. Through a comparison of COVID-19 with other viruses, Ohji emphasizes that COVID-19 is specific in that it attacks the body through an autoimmune response. This autoimmune response suggests that the virus not only spreads the infection, but can also have serious effects on the body. This talk is a valuable resource for understanding the evolution of the Japanese response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
A pandemic caused by SARS-COV2, the first virus to which humans have been exposed, has swept the entire world since 2020. Each country has responded to the situation. This presentation will outline the diagnostic and treatment process for this disease. In the process, we will summarize the shifting response to this infectious disease in the world in the future.
講演7 ブータンでの診療を踏まえた、いち救急医の人生観の探求と医療の役割
[Lecture7] An exploration of one emergency physician's view of life and the role of medicine based on his practice in Bhutan.
スピーカー:平山貴一 | 京都大学医学部医学研究科フィールド医学教室
speaker: Kiiti Hirayama ; Department of Field Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
Through her research on aging in the community in Kochi Prefecture, Ms. Hirayama contributed to the development of a comprehensive care system. As a result, she has shown that the level of independence of the elderly has increased and medical costs have decreased. Furthermore, during his medical practice in Bhutan, Hirayama described the role of medical care and the importance of social support based on his experience of working with local people while experiencing the local food and culture. He emphasizes that medical care affects not only health, but also mental health and social relationships. He notes that when people are faced with illness or difficult situations, they are more likely to recover when they have the support of family, friends, and community.
Hirayama also works on ACP (Advance Care Planning), emphasizing the importance of patients planning their own medical procedures and desired care, and sharing this information with their family and medical team. He states that by respecting people's decisions about the end-of-life care they want and helping them to realize those decisions, we can build a better healthcare environment.
I traveled to Bhutan to learn what it means to live, what happiness is, and how to have a heart for it. Through medical treatment and living in Bhutan, I found the themes of intergenerational inheritance and social support. In order to put these themes into practice, I have been struggling daily to conduct interviews, make proposals to support those who provide support, and create opportunities for intergenerational exchange, using medicine as a starting point. Through this encounter with you all, I would like to continue to dialogue and research the role of medicine and my own exploration into the view of life that I feel.
講演8 産婦人科医師/造血幹細胞研究者が創造するMIRAI志向の防災
[Lecture8] MIRAI-oriented disaster prevention created by an obstetrician/gynecologist/hematopoietic stem cell researcher
スピーカー:宮西 正憲 | 神戸大学大学院医学研究科 小児科学分野 造血幹細胞医療創成学 教授
speaker: Masanori Miyanishi ; Professor, Division of Pediatrics, Department of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Medicine, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine
This article describes the potential disaster issues brought about by a declining population. Of particular concern is the shortage of people to fill critical roles, known as Essential Workers. Mr. Miyanishi points out that infrastructure such as energy supply, transportation facilities, and hospitals are maintained by essential workers, and he warns about the possibility that this system will fail in the future. Furthermore, Mr. Miyanishi proposes the idea of colonizing cities. The idea is to divide cities into smaller colonies in order to cope with the challenges posed by population decline, and to maintain and develop society by promoting interaction among the colonies.
The essence of disaster reduction is to protect "people" from disasters. In the area of public and self-help, disaster prevention planning and development of disaster prevention technologies are advancing day by day due to technological breakthroughs such as cutting-edge ICT and AI technologies. However, when we look at mutual aid, in which people support each other, certain social issues that are closely related to the environment surrounding "people" and disaster prevention emerge in today's Japan. In this lecture, I would like to introduce our efforts to create new social impact (social value) by considering future-oriented disaster prevention with a long-term vision that only a pediatrician, obstetrician/gynecologist, and hematopoietic stem cell researcher can see.
講演9 「居住者がいざという時に”自ら動く”。」ことを目指した防災の取組み
[Lecture9] Residents "act on their own" in case of emergency. Disaster Prevention Efforts Aimed at "Residents Take Action on Their Own in Case of Emergencies
スピーカー:澤野 由佳 | 三菱地所レジデンス株式会社 経営企画部サステナビリティ推進グループ
speaker: Yuka Sawano ; Sustainability Promotion Group, Corporate Planning Department, Mitsubishi Jisho Residence Co.
Mitsubishi Jisho Residence is engaged in condominium and housing-related businesses and is focusing on condominium disaster prevention as part of its disaster prevention efforts. Through interviews in the areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Kumamoto Earthquake, employee volunteers working as a Disaster Prevention Club have learned from actual difficult experiences and are engaged in training and disaster prevention education to enable residents to respond themselves in the event of a disaster.
In addition, following the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, a disaster prevention club was established by employee volunteers to promote disaster prevention activities. The Disaster Prevention Club values the voices of people in the disaster-stricken areas, and as a result of actually visiting the disaster-stricken areas to hear about the actual conditions of life there, issues such as toilet problems were brought to light. In order to convey these voices to residents, the club has developed a disaster prevention tool called the "Karuta for Preparedness" to share information.
マンション居住者の「安心・安全」のために、災害時に居住者が自ら動けるようになるための取り組みです。2014 年に社員有志による「三菱地所グループの防災倶楽部」を立ち上げ、現在は140名で活動しています。被災地の声を届け《備えの必要性》を伝え、従来の消防・避難訓練に留まらない被災生活まで想定したより実践的な防災訓練をサポートしています。
The Mitsubishi Estate Group's Disaster Prevention Club was established in 2014 by employee volunteers, and currently has 140 members. The club provides support for more practical disaster drills that go beyond conventional firefighting and evacuation drills to simulate life in the event of a disaster.
講演10 群馬大学の交通に関する研究センターの役割と街づくりに関する活動
[Lecture10] Role of Gunma University's research center on transportation and activities related to urban development
スピーカー:太田 直哉 & 天谷 賢児 | 群馬大学次世代モビリティ社会実装研究センター
speaker: Naoya Ohta & Kenji Amaya ; Gunma University Research Center for Next-Generation Mobility in Society
Gunma University's Research Center on Transportation is developing new means of transportation and using them to promote urban development. Specific projects include the Slow Mobility Project (low-speed electric buses designed to meet local mobility needs) and social experiments in automated driving (with a particular focus on automated driving of local buses, with over 70 social experiments being conducted nationwide). The goal of the project is to develop the region and promote the interests of citizens through the introduction of new modes of transportation.
Gunma University has a research center that conducts research and development related to next-generation transportation, including automated driving, as well as urban development using this technology. In this presentation, the center will be introduced, and the urban development practices using new modes of transportation, mainly in Kiryu City, Gunma Prefecture, will be explained.