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DAY1 English

Day 1 / 3.8(Sat.)


Opening Remarks

Takashi Kamihigashi, Director of MIRAI Alliance, Kobe University

​T. Kamihigashi


​Y. Fujioka


T. Hirano


Y. Kagikawa


G. Ohji


H. Tsuruta

​​Chair: Yuki Fujioka​
(News anchor at Sun Television Co., Ltd.)

 DAY1 13:00~17:40

Frontiers in Disaster Prevention Technology - Future Outlook through Collaboration with Other Fields

<Lecture 1> Lecture 13:10-13:50/Q&A 13:50-13:55   

(For online viewers, questions and comments will be accepted from 13:10 on "Slido")

Towards the Utilization of Generative AI in Disaster Management

In Japan, where natural disasters such as heavy rain and earthquakes occur frequently, it is essential to be prepared during non-emergency times. Disaster drills play a critical role in preparedness efforts, yet the time that local governments can dedicate to the such drills during normal periods is limited. Meanwhile, the rapid development of generative AI in recent years has facilitated the adoption of AI to support various tasks.

This lecture will introduce a system for creating situational scenario cards using generative AI, developed as part of Sub-Project C of the 3rd phase of the SIP Smart Disaster Prevention initiative. The system aims to assist in the preparation of disaster drills. Additionally, the presentation will cover the results of interviews conducted with local governments and discuss future developments in this field.


<Lecture 2> Lecture 13:55-14:35/Q&A 14:35-14:40

(For online viewers, questions and comments will be accepted from 13:55 on "Slido")

Precipitation system with the extreme rainfall event

We explored the characteristics of the precipitation system that induced the extreme rainfall through the case of Hiroshima in 2018 and Kumamoto in 2020. We will also introduce the potential impact of global warming on the regional climate change, and discuss how to evaluate and estimate the future climate change (simulations) in terms of the climatology changes and perturbation changes.

Yoshiyuki Kajikawa, Senior Scientist at RIKEN Center for Computational Science

<Lecture 3> Lecture 15:00-15:40/Q&A 15:40-15:45

(For online viewers, questions and comments will be accepted from 15:00 on "Slido")

Way to prevent infectious disease by yourself

Human get infectious disease through their airway, gastrointestinal tract, direct contact, arthropod or vertebrates. To prevent these infectious disease appropriate risk assessment and management are essential.

Goh Ohji, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe University

<Lecture 4> Lecture 15:45-16:25/Q&A 16:25-16:30

(For online viewers, questions and comments will be accepted from 15:45 on "Slido")

Development of an Educational Program Integrating Entrepreneurship and Disaster Preparedness for Building Resilient Societies

The "Entrepreneurship Program for Leading a Resilient Society" has been collaboratively organized by multiple universities since 2019, with a total of 75 participants from 15 universities and 5 companies taking part to date. This program focuses on disaster prevention, mitigation, and recovery support, aiming to help participants generate business ideas that address social challenges. Through lectures on resilience, workshops utilizing systems thinking, learning about disaster prediction using advanced technologies, and fieldwork in disaster-affected and recovery areas, participants analyze the vulnerabilities of social systems from multiple perspectives. They then present ideas that balance social and economic value. This presentation will introduce the program's target human resource model, as well as the foundational principles and framework established during its design.

Hiroki Tsuruta, Associate Professor, Value School, Kobe University



T. Odazawa


(Cross-disciplinary co-creation discussion)

DAY 1 MC: Toshimori Odazawa, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe University

<Theme: Frontiers in Disaster Prevention Technology - Future Outlook through Collaboration with Other Fields> 

(For online viewers, questions and comments will be accepted from 16:40 on "Slido")

Panelists: Speakers for Lectures 1 to 4


DAY2 English

Day 2 / 3.9(Sun.)


Chair: Jun Matsumoto (freelance announcer)

J. Matsumoto


S. Hirano

神戸大学ー増本康平 (1)_edited.jpg

K. Masumoto

神戸大学ー坪倉誠 (1).jpg

M. Tsubokura


M. Miyanishi

 DAY2 13:00~17:40

From the field of risk management - Future prospects for co-creation of different fields -

<Lecture 1> Lecture 13:10-13:50/Q&A 13:50-13:55  

(For online viewers, questions and comments will be accepted from 13:10 on "Slido")

Coming soon

<Lecture 2> Lecture 13:55-14:35/Q&A 14:35-14:40

(For online viewers, questions and comments will be accepted from 13:55 on "Slido")

Achieving well-being in a super-aging society through interventions for social connectedness

Numerous observational studies have shown the critical role of social connectedness in addressing the challenges of a super-aging society and enhancing individual well-being.However, few intervention studies have systematically examined whether fostering social connectedness within local communities can effectively enhance residents' well-being.In this presentation, I would like to introduce our Active Aging Project, which demonstrated improvements in residents' well-being through the formation of social connectedness within the community.

Kouhei MASUMOTO, Professor, Graduate School of Human Development and Environment, Kobe University, Deputy Center Director, Advanced Research Center for Well-being, Kobe University

<Lecture 3> Lecture 15:00-15:40/Q&A 15:40-15:45

(For online viewers, questions and comments will be accepted from 15:00 on "Slido")

Ralizing DX for Airborne Infection Risk Assessment through
Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Toward a Resilient Society against
Infectious Diseases

The COVID-19 pandemic, which originated in China in late 2019 and quickly spread worldwide, remains fresh in our memory. The relentless threat of rapidly mutating viruses severely disrupted socio-economic activities. Our group responded to this crisis by utilizing "Fugaku," the world’s fastest supercomputer at the time, which was in its trial phase. Through an interdisciplinary industry-academia-government collaboration, we conducted over 1,500 risk assessments across 70 infection scenarios to provide vital data in response to the evolving situation.
How did we achieve such extensive assessments in a short time? This talk will offer insights into our approach and present an overview of our ongoing efforts to develop an integrated droplet infection risk assessment TSUBOKURA Makoto, Kobe University/RIKEN R-CCS

<Lecture 4> Lecture 15:45-16:25/Q&A 16:25-16:30 

(For online viewers, questions and comments will be accepted from 15:45 on "Slido")

Low Birthdate Is a Disaster! A Kickoff Year for Action with Young People – Sharing the Sense of Crisis and Shaping the Future

Births in Japan have dropped below 700,000 annually, signaling a rapidly accelerating decline that can be considered a “disaster.” Despite its severity, the young generation—most directly affected—remains largely unaware of the urgency. In this presentation, we review prior “declining birthrate as disaster” initiatives, designate the current year as the “start year for youth-driven action,” and discuss how to bridge the gap in crisis awareness. We also examine the collaboration and support systems needed for society-wide measures in which young people take the lead. By reframing this issue as a “disaster,” we aim to underscore its profound societal impact and share a vision for future-oriented action in partnership with younger generations.

Masanori Miyanishi, Hematopoietic Stem Cell Biology and Medical Innovation Department of Pediatrics, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine



K. Koshiro


(Cross-disciplinary co-creation discussion)

DAY 2 MC: Kaoru Koshiro, Special Lecturer, MIRAI Alliance, Kobe University

<Theme:From the field of risk management - Future prospects for co-creation of different fields -> 

(For online viewers, questions and comments will be accepted from 16:40 on "Slido")

Panelists: Speakers for Lectures 1 to 4


T. Odazawa

Closing Remarks

Toshimori Odazawa, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe University

© 2024  The Research Alliance for Multidisciplinary Integration for Resilience And Innovation(MIRAI), Kobe University.

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