On March 10 and 11, 2022, the International Series of Workshops MIRAI BOSAI 2022 will be held by the Research Alliance for the Multidisciplinary Integration for Resilience and Innovation (MIRAI), Kobe University, to realize a society and economy that is resilient to disasters.
Leading engineers, economists, business academics, financial institutions, think tanks, persons in charge of the relevant projects in the company, and social entrepreneurs will be brought together to explore the possibility of achieving a sustainable and secure society by mobilizing the economy in light of trends in positive impact finance (PIF), ESG investment, and the SDGs.
This event aims to accelerate the social implementation of technology and knowledge in the field of disaster prevention and mitigation in our country by creating a forum for free and direct mutual communication between universities and research institutions and the social and economic sectors.
The target audience is expected to include persons in charge of disaster management, ESG, and other issues in-house or in municipalities, as well as those who are highly interested in these issues in other fields, and researchers in other fields.
This event will be held based on an international collaboration agreement between a Japanese research institute and the US research institute (PEER) in the field of disaster prevention and mitigation.
MIRAI BOSAI2022 Event Introduction (Keynote Speech) Movie
The Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) is an industry-academia collaborative organization to develop and disseminate technologies to create a society and economy that is resilient to disasters (earthquakes). In October 2019, the collaboration between Japanese research institutions and PEER (U.S.) was established through a hub of Kobe University.
U.S. side: University of California, Berkeley as the hub, universities including the Universities of California, Stanford, Washington, and Southern California, and major infrastructure companies such as the Caltrans: California Department of Transportation, IHI Corporation, BECHTEL, SOM, and others.
On the Japanese side: Kobe University as the hub, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (“NIED”), RIKEN Center for Computational Science (“R-CCS”), Center for Mathematical Science and Advanced Technology (“MAT), Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (“JAMSTEC”), Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe University, and Research Center for Urban Safety and Security, Kobe University.
Other international collaborations: International Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (Shanghai), Disaster Prevention Research Institute (Kyoto University), Global Earthquake Model Foundation (Italy), Center for Urban Earthquake Engineering (“CUEE”) (Tokyo Institute of Technology), E-Defense Disaster Prevention Science and Technology Research Institute (Hyogo Earthquake Engineering Research Center), Tongxiang University (Shanghai), Independent Administrative Institution National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (Ibaraki prefecture).
The MIRAI (hereafter MIRAI Alliance that stands for Multidisciplinary Integration for Resilience And Innovation) is a research group that will host the event. The center is composed of nearly 70 specialists in various fields engaged in disaster prevention-related research have conducted disaster prevention and mitigation research from a combined social, scientific and medical approach.
The MIRAI BOSAI is a regular workshop (now in its sixth year) that brings together many experts in geotechnical engineering, chemistry, engineering, meteorology, medicine, economics, history, law, disaster prevention, architecture, and many other fields, as well as from business. MIRAI BOSAI will feature some of the themes that developed during these discussions and share them widely.